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Veggies for the Future


The team decided to create an event to educate people outside of HTH who have probably never really been taught about food waste. We then decided on educating the age group on who it would have the strongest impact: children.

"We were thinking of a fun and creative way to educate them in order to let the presentation impact their future decisions. To do so, we imagined recipes for tasty dishes which would help in changing their mind that vegetables that are not up to normal beauty standards can still be used to create delicious dishes.

We then got our ''ugly'' vegetables from the school garden to make these dishes and made them taste it on Monday of week seven at the Blijdestijn gardens. However, we wanted to give the children something tangible so we decided to create a recipe book for them to take with them so they could bring this experience home as well as educate their own parents."

Chick here to watch their YouTube video.

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